Monday, 9 July 2012

B.A.P. Release 'Good Bye' Video With Their Matoki

B.A.P have released a short video via TS Entertainment‘s official youtube channel for song ‘Good bye’ using their Matoki as the stars.

The jacket cover for the track see’s the Matoki at Londons Abbey Road in full Beatles style. Memeber Yongguk worked on the lyrics with 4Men and K.Will. The song was composed by Jun Da Woon who also worked on G.NA‘s ‘Because you’re my person’.

B.A.P have used their Matoki in their show ‘Ta-dah its B.A.P ‘ and also in a photoshoot but have never explained the meanings of their individual characters. The short 49second video briefly shows a story of how the Matoki crash land on earth, which has delighted fans but made them even more curious.